08 November 2010

Hallelujah the Hills @ Bug Jar

While in Boston I got turned on to local indie-faves Hallelujah the Hills. I didn't hear much from them after leaving, until Record Store Day this year I found their debut album in the dollar bin and snatched it up. Flash forward a few more months and lo and behold they're coming to Rochester. A few days before their show another band Boston introduced me to, The Young Republic, was playing locally as well. Unfortunately that show was canceled. On the way into town HtH's van broke down. Another cancellation? Nope, thankfully they still made it to the show and put on a fantastic albeit too short set early on a Friday night for no more than 12 people. I thought they would have a better reach outside of their hometown, but apparently not here. Hopefully, despite the car troubles they enjoyed their time here and will make it back for some more fun.

Here's a brand new one that may have been a debut.

And here are a couple of oldies but goodies I just unearthed off my hard drive from the first time I saw them a few years back. The first is one of the better self-titles songs you'll hear. Generally an odd practice in my opinion, though it works here. In fact I think they erred by not playing it at the Bug Jar. It plays like a memorable jingle for their not so memorable name. By Mennen... Co-stanza... Hallelujah the Hills...

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