26 June 2009

Medeski Martin and Wood @ Party in the Park

Well, I missed them twice in 2008, so it is nice to see them twice in 2009. Not quite as engaging as the show at the Smith, due in large part to the venue, but also the music just didn't get to the level of playing achieved previously. Last time I concentrated on the "and" factor, but at this show, as I am often drawn when I see MMW, I was magnetized to Wood. Being the free outdoor show that it was, the bass became the key in keeping the easily disengaged crowd rapt, and Wood delivered. Speaking of the crowd, it was an impressive turnout on a night when the skies threatened to open all night, and for a band who let's face it, doesn't exactly cater to the lowest common denominator after-work alcohol-fueled party in a parking lot. Speaking of the parking lot, what the heck is up with this great free music series still being held in the parking lot now that Manhattan Square Park is an available venue again? It was so much better when it was there and should be returned post-haste. Don't even wait until next year, do it now! Why not?

I missed the opener Giant Panda Geurrilla Dub Squad due to waiting out the storm that never hit. They continue to be one of those bands I always seem to miss for one reason or another.

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